Best Practices

Ronald J. Hedges introduces "The Flow of Litigatio," and suggests that electronic discovery can be managed—and economies realized—by using case managementtools authorized by the Federal

Business Websites

AgentsofAmerica.ORG is pleased to launch the newest service available to its members and readers, AOA Market Solutions. AOA Market Solutions was developed primarily as a way for our members and reader

Beware Of The Sales Saboteurs

  Beware Of The Sales Saboteurs By Bob Ayer   The year was 1943. World War II was raging. In Washington D.C., Allen Dulles was diligently directing the Office Of Strategic Services, the

Brokers Causation Defense

  One of the most frustrating – and dangerous -- problems for the insurance broker is the unexpected and, in the broker’s opinion, wrongful denial by the client’s insurer o

Be Careful using the "We are not the Last Employer" Defense

Arguably, the most litigated issue in New Jersey workers' compensation court is whether additional permanent disability is caused by a petitioner's continued employment or by the natural progression o

Business to Business Selling — Fire the Buyer

Want your sales people to be more profitable? Want your company to make more money? It's time to fire the Buyer! The difference between a customer (whom you should court) and the buyer (whom you shou

Boost Your Energy Today

Have you ever thought about ways to increase your energy? Many people think that energy is something that they really can't control. Some days they have energy and some days they don't. It's just the

Building Value in Your Firm During an Economic Downturn

The drum beat of less than favorable news continues to inundate us at every turn. Whether it's the severe economic downturn or the malaise within the insurance industry day in and day out there seems

Broker – Beware Potential Conflicting Liability to Both Clients and Insurers

In normal circumstances, a retail or wholesale broker owes a fiduciary duty to his client – the policyholder (we are not concerned here with managing general agents or binding a

Banco Espirito Santo Int’l, Ltd. v. BDO International, B.V. provides new reasons for concern about

To keep pace with the ever-expanding global economy, many accounting firms have joined together in alliances to better take advantage of the opportunities presented in our ever-flattening world.  T

Beware – The Topsy Turvey Economy

It is anticipated that by the summer of 2008, 500,000 of the two million sub prime borrowers in this country will default on their mortgage. As a result of lending becoming more restrictive by banks a

Bankruptcy and Insurance

  Despite the worsening economy, most of you will never file for bankruptcy. Most of you however will face a client who is contemplating a bankruptcy or even files one. They may turn to you with

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