Lives and Businesses Interrupted by Rocky Mountain Floods

By Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP                        &n

LinkedIn Beats Twitter and Facebook in B2B Conversions

 By Steven Miltonberg, Co-Founder/CEO of iLikeUs Marketing     Among three leading social networking platforms—LinkedIn, Twitter, andFacebook—LinkedIn is the most effect

Leaked EPA PowerPoint Concerning Dimock Methane In Groundwater

By Andrew J. Scholz, Esq. of Goldberg Segalla LLP   The latest media leak of internal government documents (in what generally appears to be a growing national trend) comes from the L

Law Poses No Duty on Insurance Brokers to Disclose Incentive Arrangements to Customers

           The Attorney General sued the insurance broker of Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Inc., alleging breach of fiduciary duties and also his repeated fraudulent or

Louisiana's Direct Action Statute Does Not Trump Reporting Provisions of Claims-Made-and-Reported Policy

By Devin C. Maddox, Esq. of Tressler LLP   American Title Insurance Company claimed injury resulting from the negligent conduct of Titan Title, LLC. American Title sued Titan Title and its in

Liens- A Simple How-To Guide to Protect Yourself and Get Paid Under the New Mechanic's Lien Laws

By David E. Barker, Esq. & Joshua Cohen, Esq. of Collins Collins Muir + Stewart LLP   Mechanic’s Liens and Stop Notices are an absolute minefield for the people trying to get paid

Latest Regulatory Developments Concerning Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits

 By Sandy Smith, Esq. of Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP     John Hancock Life Insurance Companies (Hancock) is the latest group of large insurers to enter into a

Legalization of Marijuana: Employers’ Rights Up in Smoke?

By Scott Sweeney, Esq. of Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP How will the much-publicized legalization of marijuana in Colorado affect an employer’s right to perform drug

Leave Sharing Programs, Other Steps to Assist Employees Affected by Hurricane Sandy

By Joseph J. Lazzarotti, Esq., Bruce H. Schwartz, Esq., & Monique Warren, Esq. of Jackson Lewis LLP   Disaster situations such as Hurricane Sandy often leave companies and employer

LPL Insurer's Duty to Defend Sanctions Hearing Was Triggered Where Client Intervened Alleging Malpractice and Seeking Fees

By Kyle P. Barrett, Esq. of Tressler LLP   A legal malpractice carrier’s duty to defend a discovery sanctions petition brought against the insured attorney was triggered upon the interv

Let the Still Moment Live – Happiness Does not Come in a Box

By Edwin Martinez, PHR   Sometimes when we are still for a brief moment, time seems to stop and everything around us might strike us as empty and meaningless. We stare into thin air and simpl


By Robin Foret, J.D. Most of us have experienced the frustration caused by another driver’s lack of attention while he or she is embroiled in a conversation on a cellular telephone.  The s

LinkedIn Members’ Most Frequently Asked Question

By Nathan Kievman    One of the most frequently asked questions we get about LinkedIn from over 10,000 submitted questions through our webinars, in posts, or directly by email is:  

Laws Governing Employee Wages And Hours Of Work

  By Paul DeCamp and Paul J. Siegel     1. Where are we now?—The rise of the wage and hour class action.   For more than 70 years, the Fair Labor Standards Act (the &ldq

Legal Duties of An Insurance Agent

The main premises of an agent’s E&O policy is built on the concept of legal liability – in other words, the agency must be found to be legally liable for the policy to pay.  

Local Advertising

Local customers are the lifeblood of the vast most small and medium businesses. For most small businesses, there is no other type of customer and reaching out to them is the key to success. Luckily, o

Lawyers’ Vicarious Liability for Clients’ Torts

The idea for this article arose amidst an unsettling discovery that North Carolina courts may find liability against an attorney, absent the establishment of all the necessary elements of a recognized

Landfall: Tropical Storms and Producer Pitfalls

  By James D. Ebanks and Christian R. Johnson   “Landfall!” This simple word scientifically defines that time when a tropical storm or hurricane reaches the coast and begins to trave

Leaders Can't Be Trained

  Despite the hundreds of books, programs and websites devoted to leadership, the truth is that leaders can't be trained. Leaders need to be developed. Hopefully this doesn't seem like a

Lessons from the Trenches–Part 1: Problems Insurance Intermediaries Face in Professional Liability

The author regularly represents insurance agents and brokers in professional liability and related claims. In many years in handling such claims for broker and agents, including representi

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