When You Don’t Want E&O Coverage

By Sheri Pontolillo  Until tort reform becomes a reality, it is a sad fact that our liability insurance system has become, in some cases, an environment that feels akin to legalized extortion

What Exactly is Cloud Computing…and Why Should I Care?

By Marvin Zalevsky  Introduction OK…so you’ve heard the buzz…everybody is talking about Cloud Computing. Microsoft is hyping it. Google is staking a huge piece o

Want To Be A Great Broker? Stick To Your Knitting!

By Sheri Pontolillo, ARM We have all heard about the business tactic of “niche marketing.”  It is a well-worn phrase, but can actually help you differentiate yourself from your

When Carriers Seek to Rescind, Problems for the Broker May Follow

  By Matthew S. Marrone, Esq. and Daniel S. Strick, Esq.    Insurance coverage disputes between carriers and insureds are not all that uncommon.  Reasonable minds can differ ov

Wisconsin Non-Compete Waters Just Got Muddier

By Peter R. Bulmer, Esq. of Jackson Lewis P.C.   On April 30, 2015, the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Runzheimer Int’l, Ltd. v. Friedlen, settling a

Web Metrics

Web metrics are the secret of what makes marketing on the internet so effective both from a campaign success perspective and from a cost perspective. When you market on the web, the amount of data you

What’s In A Domain Name?

Domain names are literally the addresses of the web. When someone needs to mail you something, they send it to your physical address. When someone wants to go to your website, they’ll type in y

Where the Internet Comes In?

So where does the internet play into all of this? Why is it so important for businesses to be not only using the web, but using it as a major part of their marketing mix? What makes the internet so sp

Wall Street Reform Act Expands Employer's Whistleblower Liability

  The highly anticipated legislation expected to bring reform to Wall Street also includes provisions that greatly expand whistleblower liability risk for employers.  The Dodd-Frank Wall

Why "Sales Training" Doesn’t Work!

    “Well, here we go again! All of the gurus of business are preaching ‘training’ and employee development. All of the companies who do sales training are calling f

Who Really Achieves Success in Sales

Who Really Achieves Success in Sales?  by Mark Hunter Success in sales does not go to the one who has the lowest price. Nor does success in sales go to the one who has the best customers. A

What's your Active Malfunction? Insured Denied Coverage for Contractual Claim of Poor Workmanship

Every day sellers of goods and services negotiate with customers for sales contracts. What if a seller was not forthright with a customer during these contract negotiations and the product failed to m

What To Do When the Agent is Notified of a Loss

Business Practice Tip:  What to do When the Agent is Notified of a Loss Kathleen M. Bonczyk   Many insurance policies include contractual language similar to the following:  

Welcome to the Hottest Trap for Unwary Real Estate Brokers & Lawyers!

“Whether it’s a scam or it’s legit, it all starts off the same way.” – Richard Hagar, Seattle-based mortgage fraud expert   In 2007, roughly 84,000 Califor

Wealth Motivations

Here's a topic that is near and dear to many of our wallets: creating and maintaining wealth. I'd like to share with you my thoughts on a question I'm often asked about motivations for creating and ma

Wellness Programs: Issues Employers Must Consider to avoid Legal Consequences

Issues Employers Must Consider to avoid Legal Consequences   I.          INTRODUCTION TO WELLNESS PROGRAMS   At some point it becomes difficult, if not

What duty is owed by a general contractor?

The Connecticut Supreme Court has recently issued two opinions clarifying the duties owed by a general contractor on a job site.  In Pelletier v. Sordoni/Skanska Construction Company, 286 Conn. 563

Worker’s compensation law: recent ruling by the State Supreme Court in Albany impacts self-insured

All self-insured employers in New York should pay special attention to a recent ruling by the State Supreme Court in Albany County regarding Group Self-Insured Worker’s Compensation T

What is the Right Way to Fire?

  Employers should pay careful attention to the way they fire employees, so as not to have to defend their actions later in a court of law. Many states, including Ohio, are "at-will" employment

What Is The Federal Violent Crime Control And Law Enforcement Act?

At first blush, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, P. L. 103-322, ("the Act") seems to have no relevance to the insurance industry. A quick glance at the Act’

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