Insurance Coverage for Cyberattacks and Denial-of-Service Incidents

If your business suffered the same sort of cyberattacks alleged to have taken place against “U.S. government Web sites – including those of the White House and the State Department â€

Wall Street Reform Act Expands Employer's Whistleblower Liability

  The highly anticipated legislation expected to bring reform to Wall Street also includes provisions that greatly expand whistleblower liability risk for employers.  The Dodd-Frank Wall

Top 10 Business and Insurance Blunders

  We’ve all seen the various top-ten lists – some ad nauseam. And even with all my years in and around the insurance business and working with hun

Imply? Infer?

  What's the difference? Who cares? You should if you're going to be as successful as possible in selling. You should know the difference between "imply" and "infer" if you want to sel

Caretaker Coverage Extended Under New Law

   Employment Alert   Caretaker coverage extended under new law   Overview   With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) for Fiscal Year 2010

Beware Of The Sales Saboteurs

  Beware Of The Sales Saboteurs By Bob Ayer   The year was 1943. World War II was raging. In Washington D.C., Allen Dulles was diligently directing the Office Of Strategic Services, the

How to Stop Accessibility Lawsuits Before They Stop You

  How to Stop Accessibility Lawsuits Before They Stop You                                  Â

Risks of Growing Too Fast

  Many business people envy the companies that are on the “100 Fastest Growing” lists. The risk manager says, “Be careful what you wish for.” Sometimes what looks

Preservation of electronically stored information (ESI)

      In today’s litigation environment, evidence preservation responsibilities, particularly those concerning electronically stored information (ESI), seem to be constantl

Agents May Experience a Wave of “Business Interruption Claims” in light of the Recent Gulf of Me

  On April 20, 2010, an explosion on the mobile drilling rig Deepwater Horizon occurred some 130 miles southeast of New Orleans, Louisiana.   As of May 23, 2010, it is estimated that a mini

Intellectual Property Alert

  Enforceability of website Terms of Use notice at bottom of home page  called into question   Overview   In a decision recently issued in the Eastern District of New York, a court has

Employment Alert

  Overview   With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) for Fiscal Year 2010, President Barak Obama extended military caregiver leave provisions to veter

Florida legislature reaffirms exemption for surplus lines carriers

  Overview   Whereas domestic insurers are regulated by Chapter 627 of the Florida Statutes, it was assumed that this chapter did not apply to surplus line insurers. Following two 2008 co

Toxic Tort Alert

  EPA lead law to impose new requirements on contractors and landlords   Applicability   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has enacted the Renovation, Repair and Painting

Why "Sales Training" Doesn’t Work!

    “Well, here we go again! All of the gurus of business are preaching ‘training’ and employee development. All of the companies who do sales training are calling f

Help Agents Drive Up Retention!

    “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” (Theodore Roosevelt)   We’re in an interesting industry. P

How to Attract Clients

    Ah, those magic words – “Attract Clients”. Virtually every agent and advisor I know loves the idea of attracting clients, and woul

Does Success Change You?

  Imagine this scenario... You spend years working hard to succeed.  During these years, you have some success, mixed with lots of false starts. But you never really reach the level of

Negotiation Checklist to Ensure a Successful Outcome

  Negotiation Checklist to Ensure a Successful Outcome by Mark Hunter 1. Never negotiate with anyone who is not qualified to negotiate. If in doubt, ask your contact how they've handled a simil

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