Boost Your Energy Today
Have you ever thought about ways to increase your energy? Many people think that energy is something that they really can't control. Some days they have energy and some days they don't. It's just the way it is.
Like most things people believe without thinking about it, this belief is totally false. The amount of energy you have to live your life to the fullest is largely controlled by the decisions you make on a daily basis.
Decisions you are making right now are affecting your level of energy. It's true. For example, are you breathing fully and getting enough oxygen into your system? Breathing is the number one component of good health. You won't last long without air. You can trust me on this. You won't have much energy if you are not getting enough oxygen. Most people are shallow breathers. They don't take full, deep breathes and consequently, they don't get the oxygen they really need.
How about your decisions regarding how much water you drink? Most people probably think that the amount of energy they have has nothing to do with the amount of water they drink. But the fact of the matter is that after air, water is the next most important element related to our health. We can go for days without food but water is a different matter all together. Do you drink at least eight full glasses of water a day? Most people don't. It's too bad really because your body cannot function at its peak without adequate amounts of water. And what could be easier than drinking more water?
What about exercise? Our bodies are so amazing and yet we don't use them enough in this modern world of ours. It's so easy to become sedentary. We will always be rewarded by intelligent exercise. In fact, it's by far the best investment we can make. An investment in exercise will pay compounded energy dividends. Just give it a try.
We control our energy in more ways that we might like to admit. It starts by breathing properly, drinking enough water, and exercising. After that, study your diet and determine whether or not it's working for you. Here's a great question to ask yourself before you eat anything: "Will this food energize and cleanse me or clog up my system?" Focus on eating foods that energize and cleanse you.
Here are some simple things you can do today that will boost your energy immediately:
- Clean up a mess that's been getting in your way ... maybe clean your desk, office, or garage.
- Read an inspiring book.
- Help someone in an unexpected way.
- Create something new and exciting.
- Delegate some activities that you don't enjoy doing.
- Express sincere gratitude to someone.
- Take a walk in nature.
- Set some new and exciting goals.
Here's one final suggestion: Get a good night's sleep tonight. It's hard to imagine anything easier than sleep and yet most people deprive themselves of the rest they need. Remember, you will always be more productive and creative when you are rested and alert. If you feel like you don't have enough time to get the rest you need, it may be time to reexamine your priorities.
It's not really that difficult to create more energy. All it takes is some intelligent thinking followed by some wise actions.