Screening For Psychopaths – Managing the Front End of Workplace Bullying

By Justine Turnbull, Esq. and Shomaice Zowghi, Esq. of Seyfarth Shaw LLP When it comes to managing bullying in the workplace, the focus tends to be on dealing with the bullying behavior after it ha

Negative Online Reviews: The Best Defense

By Geoffrey Belzer, Esq. of Wilson Elser A recent Washington Post article examined the issue of patient privacy complaints after medical providers responded to negative Yelp® reviews about medic

Cyber Attacks Reach Subrogation

By Lisa Myers, Esq. of Cozen O’Connor It was just a matter of time. As cyber-attacks rose and the data security breaches became increasingly devastating to businesses and individuals, cyb

Avoid Hiring Slackers

By Michael Mercer, Ph.D. Slacker is a common word nowadays to describe a person who exudes - laziness - lousy work ethic - “don’t care” attitude Slackers * avoid w

Stating a Claim for Negligent Misrepresentation for a Design Professional’s Supply of Information

By Gregory J. Kelley, Esq. of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, P.C. The False Information Need Not Be Expressly Misrepresented, and How Specific the Allegations Must Be Remains Subjec

The Potential Impact of a BREXIT on the UK’s Data Protection Regime

By Alan Meneghetti, Esq. of Locke Lord LLP In immediate response to the outcome of the recent referendum in the United Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union (EU), the UK’s data protection

The FCC Rules Federal Government (and maybe its Contractors) Are Immune from the TCPA

By Petrina Hall McDaniel, Esq. of Dentons The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued its highly anticipated declaratory ruling on July 5, 2016 in which it determined that the Telephone Cons

Compliance Date Nears for OSHA’s New Recordkeeping Anti-Retaliation Rule

By Nickole C. Winnett, Esq. of Jackson Lewis, P,C, Employers must ensure they are in compliance with the anti-retaliation provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s ne

California Court Clarifies the Assignability of Negligence Claims Against an Insurance Broker and the Superior Equities Defense to an Insurer’s Subrogation Claim

By Alan Jampol, Esq. of Jampol Zimet LLP In Amco Insurance Company et al. v. All Solution Insurance Agency, LLC (2016) 244 Cal.App.4th 883, the California Court of Appeal for the fifth District hel

The Rise in the Role of the Chief Strategy Officer

By John Nimesheim of Slayton Search Partners As more industries are impacted by volatile changes to the business landscape, we’re seeing a significant rise in the role of the Chief Strategy

BRACING for BREXIT – After The Shock, What Now?

By Robert Hanley, Esq., Ming Henderson, Esq., Amy S. Levin, Esq., Gordon Peery, Esq., Julia K. Sutherland, Esq., Peter Talibart, Esq. and Deirdre M. Murphy, Esq. of Seyfarth Shaw LLP Overview To

Confidentiality Agreements: Two Lurking Problems

By John M. O'Connor, Esq. and Carrie Maylor DiCanio, Esq. of Anderson Kill P.C.  Business litigation these days frequently involves the production of voluminous documents in discovery. At the sa

Insured’s False Statements Lead To No Coverage

By Marc Zimet, Esq. of Jampol Zimet LLP An insurer does not have to provide coverage when the insured’s business operation and use of the premises was not in accordance with that listed on t

What Attorneys Can Learn from History’s Largest Data Breach

By William F. McDevitt, Esq. of Wilson Elser On April 3, 2016, the public learned that millions of client documents from the Panamanian law firm and corporate services provider Mossack Fonseca &

Banning Employee E-Mailing?

By Michael Schmidt, Esq. of Cozen O’Connor “Everything in moderation,” I’m always saying. Exercise, TV, French fries.  Well, I tend to moderate my exercise a tad more t

Reference Guide for Reference Letters

By Adrian Elmslie, Esq. of Dentons One of the more confusing issues that employers deal with is what to do in the face a request for a reference letter by a departing employee. While dealing with a

Potential Conflicts for Summer Hires?

By Seth L. Laver, Esq., Timothy M. Gondek, Esq. and Anthony J. Golowski, Esq. of Goldberg Segalla Many law firms employ law clerks, or hire summer associates.  The former are often current law s

Reservation of Rights Letters Preserved Coverage Defenses

By Robert Tugander, Esq. of Rivkin Radler LLP  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, affirming a decision by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, has rule

Cyber Attacks Continue to Grow and Evolve

By Greg Burch, Esq. and David E. Harrell Jr., Esq. of Locke Lord LLP Cyber criminals continue to prey on websites with unpatched vulnerabilities and ill-protected point of sale (POS) systems to ste

Agency Update: Physicians Not Agents of Hospital

By Madelyn Lamb, Esq. of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP In Magnini v. Centegra, 2015 IL App (1st) 133451, plaintiff brought a medical malpractice action against Centegra Health Systems and several do

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